The National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center is pleased to announce the release of Resource Highlights: K–12 Oral Health Education, which offers high-quality information on this topic.
Childhood and adolescence are periods when lifelong oral-health-related behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes are being developed, which means that this is an ideal time during which to provide oral health education at school.
The Resource Highlights includes Key Facts, a presentation of statements supported by references from the recent professional literature focusing on oral health education for children and adolescents in kindergarten through 12th grade. The statements can be integrated into a brief or report, a proposal, or presentation.
The Resource Highlights features several materials produced by OHRC and others. For example, it includes Future Smiles Program Evaluation: Teacher Interview Summary published by ICF International. This report describes a study to evaluate a preventive oral health care program for children in the Clark County School District (Nevada). Contents include an executive summary, background information, study methods and results, and a conclusion. This report can be used to help school personnel understand the health and educational benefits of student participation in oral health programs at school.
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Resource Highlights are made possible with grant funding from the Health Resources and Services Administration’s Maternal and Child Health Bureau.